day 43 Mindfulness and wellbeing

Oh the irony of me trying to do a day on this with my anxiety levels through the roof lol.

I helped Tabby do a bit of work sent home from school. She had to recognise what she was good at and write them down. Her confidence is really low so she took a lot of prompting from me. In the end she said she was good at looking after Harry, Sansa and Peach.  Good at listening at school. I am a good friend. I am a good cook and I am good at drawing.
We did a bit of English coping letters. We did not do the whole alphabet as she was getting distracted. We also made a thank you card for a friend who is helping us lots at the moment.
She did some maths with daddy. She did  not like the colour suggestions but did the  sums with help
She did some shapes and also went on a treasure hunt and added up the numbers of each shape she could find
We tried to do mindfull art but she enjoyed colouring in in a less mindful way. Her pictures are very cool. The fish is for Susan her teacher. The sun is for Kelly and the butterfly is for Anna
We baked a lemon cake which went down well. Tried some cosmic kids yoga (went down less well) played on the computer with daddy and helped mummy water the plants. 
