day 12 superhero day

Today was superhero day 
Tabby reluctantly did some counting with the bribery of custard creams
She did some letter practice
We coloured in a Cape and made a sheild and a sword.
We made superhero ballons fly (blowing up the ballon and letting them go) 
Tried the mentros is coke thing which did not really work.
She explored magnets and was fascinated about how they stuck together. She then went round the garden and house to see what they stuck to.
We made a cake with marmalade and cream filling.
We decorated the outside of our house with chalk and also played hopscotch 
We got some letters from granny and matt.
We also got our delivery from muscle food which is a relief. I think I need to learn to use egg powder.
We have no internet as they are swapping us over but hopefully this will be done by monday.
We had a online Brownie campfire (thank god for 4g) and sang campfire songs and had some marshmallows
